Why Turkish Rug & Carpet Cleaning Shouldn’t Be Overlooked

When a Turkish rug is first purchased, it’s certainly a sight to behold. They add life to any room in home or business. Eventually, a Turkish rug will get dirty, especially if it is in a high traffic area.
When it’s time to get Turkish rug and carpet cleaning in CT, our business is the one you should reach out to. We understand why rug and carpet cleaning is so important. A rug can be home to dust, dirt, grit, bacteria, allergens, mold, mildew, dust mites, and many other unwanted elements, and this is why we take rug cleaning so seriously. Young children and the elderly should not be exposed to dirty rugs, as well as individuals who have bad asthma or allergies.
Cleaning a rug will not only make it sanitary, but it’ll improve air quality and airflow in the room where the rug is housed. If your home has generally been feeling clogged and congested, then there’s a good chance your rugs need to be cleaned by our professionals. We are licensed and certified, and provide the cleaning products, technology, and manpower necessary to perform a first-rate Turkish rug cleaning service. This is why we are highly recommended by those who need Turkish rug and carpet cleaning in CT.

rug cleaning nyc manhattan

What To Expect From Our Cleaning Process

Cleaning a Turkish rug requires both the right knowledge and skills. Cleaning a Turkish rug should not be done at home without the right professional experience. A Turkish rug that is cleaned by a non professional can be significantly damaged.
Our Turkish rug cleaning experts have been cleaning these rugs for years, so they know exactly what to do. They will rid your Turkish rugs of all the unwanted elements leaving your rugs looking spotless. Here's what you can expect when you hire our Turkish rug cleaning experts.
The first thing our experts will do is assess the colorfastness of the rug before cleaning it; when it comes to cleaning Turkish rugs, preparation is very important. We also remove whatever loose fibers, dirt, grit, and debris we can before cleaning, as these particles can be more damaging when wet.
Now is when the gentle washing begins. We take extra care, as we know a wet rug can get damaged easily. We only use cleaning products that are designed for Turkish rugs, and refrain from performing any vigorous scrubbing. Once cleaning is over, we let your rug dry out naturally, which is the best method for Turkish rugs.

Taking Care Of Pet Odors & Stains

If your pet has an accident on your Turkish rug, get help from our Turkish rug cleaning specialists. We make your rugs look like they were never touched by your pets. Odors from our beloved pets can be a big problem when it comes to rugs and carpets. The odor can stick to the fibers and it is very difficult to remove the smell. We provide the cleaning products and method necessary to clean for pet-friendly homes, and this is why we’re preferred by pet owners who need Turkish rug and carpet cleaning in CT.